onsdag 7 december 2016


Working on a new project to create a game company called FairGame and have the honour to announce that it is a finalist in the prestigious Brewhouse Awards! 

The final takes place the 8th of December 2016.


Fair Game is a game company that aims to highlight contemporary social problems by developing games that evoke empathy, create public opinion and debate. The games can be used to discuss moral and ethical issues both in school and in private. Profit from the games will be used to aid projects within the game's theme. The first game is called "Refugee" and take on the humanitarian crisis that is happening right now; the flow of refugees and Europe closed borders.

Working on a playable demo which I hope to have up after Christmas. 

FairGame är ett spelföretag som syftar till att synliggöra nutida samhällsproblem genom att utveckla spel som väcker empati, skapar opinion och debatt. Spelen kan användas för att diskutera moraliska och etiska frågor såväl i skolan som privat. Ekonomisk vinst från spelen kommer att användas till hjälpprojekt inom spelets tema. Första spelet heter ”Refugee” och tar sig an den humanitära kris som sker just nu; flyktingströmmen och Europas stängda gränser.


måndag 16 maj 2016

onsdag 11 maj 2016

måndag 2 maj 2016

 In the water, sketch nr. 2 water colour on paper 2-May 2016

måndag 25 april 2016

Early version of the painting  Of Venus, part of the series An Honest Return to Religious Painting

Hygeia kills her Serpent acrylic on canvas framed (work in progress)

And an angel came onto me "thine eyes shall behold" and I beheld. These paintings are the visions that I have been bestown. The Godesses are not pleased, we have moved on and forgotten them. Hygeia has killed her serpant, Venus floats on her face, her birth not such a pretty sight, the Madonna is at best indifferent to the child and the crab...

Merry F-ing Christmas, Acrylic on canvas 34 x 42cm

Exhibited in KC i väst, Gothenburg, Christmas 2015 as part of a thematic exhibition Hjul. (Swedish pun on the word Christmas which is pronounced as the word wheel).

måndag 20 juli 2015

Poppies for Goldenboy (2015) acrylic on canvas 70 x 105 cm

Amach (2014/15) Out of Dublin 1988, acrylic on canvas 72 x 195 cm
Painting of and from memory, palm trees and broken glass on the walls.

Burren Tree (2015) acrylic on canvas 70 x 100 cm
Picture from the Burren, Co. Clare. 

måndag 13 juli 2015

Raft of Shame, progression first layers Acrylic on canvas 145 x 100 cm (2015/April- July). 

On hearing yet another boat of people sinks on the way to Europe. 
History repeating itself. Based in a copy of the iconic European romantic painting of Géricault depicting false hope and despair.

First layers
layers 3-4 disrupting the voyeuristic nature of the painting

Adding dept but not hopefully taking from the energy of the picture 

Of Venus #1 and #2 (July2014) acrylic on canvas 145 x 115cm (work in progress)

Pushing the sky, Fanore Beach, Ireland (2013) acrylic on canvas 145 x 145 cm (work in progress)

No longer Irish? (2014) acrylic on canvas 145 x 90cm (work in progress)
Look back and you will turn to stone? A memorial to the juncture where I have lived in Sweden as long as in Ireland.

Crab (2013/14) acrylic on canvas 135 x 135cm (work in progress)